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Salem / Oregon / United States
Portland / Oregon / United States
TransPerfect is the worlds largest provider of language services and technology solutions for global business. From offices in over 90 cities on six continents, TransPerfect offers a full range of services in 170+ languages to clients worldwide. More than 5,000 global organizations employ TransPerfects GlobalLink® Product Suite to simplify management of multilingual content. With an unparalleled commitment to quality and client service, TransPerfect is fully ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified. TransPerfect has global headquarters in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit our website at
Bend / Oregon / United States
Corvallis / Oregon / United States
TransPerfect is the worlds largest provider of language services and technology solutions for global business. From offices in over 90 cities on six continents, TransPerfect offers a full range of services in 170+ languages to clients worldwide. More than 5,000 global organizations employ TransPerfects GlobalLink® Product Suite to simplify management of multilingual content. With an unparalleled commitment to quality and client service, TransPerfect is fully ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified. TransPerfect has global headquarters in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit our website at
An immigration and bankruptcy law firm assisting individuals, families, and business owners throughout the Willamette Valley and Oregon coast. Our firm can help you find solutions to your immigration and bankruptcy law barriers. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, our efficiency, and our transparency in billing. Give us a call. You may have more options than you think
Springfield / Oregon / United States
Two Guys Auto Repair provides Brakes, Transmission Service, Transmission Filter Service, Transmission Flush, Fuel Injection Service, Coolant System, Auto Diagnostics, Timing Belts, Timing Chain, Oil Changes, Power Steering Service services in the area
West Linn / Oregon / United States
Hillsboro / Oregon / United States
Portland / Oregon / United States
As an experienced translator and interpreter service provider we deliver quality translation service and interpretation service for individuals and businesses in the Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR areas. We can translate and interpret over 170 languages. We specialize in written translations such as websites, documents, and business advertisements. We also specialize in verbal interpretation such as telephone interpreting. We also send interpreters on-site to interpret your employees, customers, or patients. If you are a business or individual looking for translations or interpretations, give us a call for more information on our services and languages.
Gladstone / Oregon / United States
Portland / Oregon / United States