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Boston / Massachusetts / United States
Cambridge / Massachusetts / United States
Middlesex County Probate and Family Court operates various departments, including accounts, adoptions, change-of-name and divorce. The organization has a probate department that undertakes processing of new petitions and docketing all filings and handles a variety of issues, such as wills, probate of estates, administrations, guardianships of minors, general petitions and sale of real estate. It also handles other issues, including guardianships of mentally challenged individuals. Middlesex County Probate and Family Court also has a probation department that offers various support services to the judges of the court that cover various issues, such as dispute intervention, investigations, supervision of parties ordered to participate in drug and alcohol screening, and providing resource and referral information. The organization is located in Cambridge, Mass.
Chelsea / Massachusetts / United States
Worcester / Massachusetts / United States
Woburn / Massachusetts / United States

The Middlesex County Superior Court relocated to Woburn from Cambridge in March 2008. The newly-built 140,000-square-foot, seven-story building has 15 courtrooms with sound amplification abilities, 15 jury deliberation rooms and 22 holding cells. About 180 people are employed at the court. The court does not accept e-filing or filing by fax.

Springfield / Massachusetts / United States
Boston / Massachusetts / United States

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Appeals Court provides case relevant information to attorneys and litigants and is responsible for reviewing appeals and issuing decisions. 

Worcester / Massachusetts / United States
Somerville / Massachusetts / United States

Founded in 1978, the district trial court handles civil and criminal cases filed in the cities of Somerville and Medford. Among the types of cases heard are small claims, motor vehicle infractions, probation hearings and restraining orders. Language interpreters are available and may be applied for using online forms available by clicking here.

During fiscal year 2009, the Somerville District Court held proceedings for over 14,900 cases--or an average of 60 per business day.


West Newton / Massachusetts / United States

District Court of Newton is in West Newton, adjacent to the police headquarters, with which is shares a stone courtyard seating area. The city of Newton is the only area covered in the court's jurisdiction and the presiding justice is Hon. Dyanne J. Klein. The court's clerk magistrate is Henry H. Schultz and Kevin T. Galligan is the chief probation officer. District Court of Newton does not offer electronic filing and does not accept filings through fax. District Court of Newton is a short walk from the West Newton MBTA Commuter Rail station (purple line, Framingham/Worcester line). Several MBTA bus stops are also nearby, including the #553 and #554 buses, which can be picked up at the intersection of Washington Street and Highland Street as well as the intersection of Washington Street and Cherry Street. Bus #555 also stops at the intersection of Washington Street and Cherry Street.

Springfield / Massachusetts / United States
Lowell / Massachusetts / United States
Boston / Massachusetts / United States
East Boston Court administers child care, civil and criminal cases. The court maintains a variety of assisted listening devices. It conducts audio and video conferencing. East Boston Court is operated by the Boston Municipal Court Department, which is governed by the Massachusetts Court System. The system operates a range of judicial, appeals and trial courts.