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Miami / Florida / United States
UBS is one of the world s leading financial firms that specialize in investment banking and securities. It is one of the largest global wealth and asset managers. With headquarters in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland, the firm operates offices in more than 50 countries and employs a work force of over 80,000 employees. It is the market leader in retail and commercial banking in Switzerland. UBS offers investment management solutions to private, institutional and corporate clients. The firm s investment capabilities include traditional assets, including equities, fixed income and asset allocation, as well as alternative and quantitative investments and real estate. It also provides security products and research in equities, fixed income, rates, foreign exchange, energy and metals. The firm additionally supports a range of cultural, art, music and sports events, such as UEFA EURO 2008, THE PLAYERS Championship and Boston Symphony Orchestra. UBS maintains a presence in Coral Gables, Fla.
Miami / Florida / United States
UBS Financial Services, located on Second Street in Miami, is a branch office owned and operated by its parent company, UBS. This location is also home to a UBS International office. UBS is a global financial services firm, whose clients include affluent individuals, corporations, institutions and governments. The company offers a range of financial services, including financial planning, retirement planning, estate planning, investment solutions, lending services and business retirement benefit planning. UBS maintains a presence in all major financial centers worldwide. It has more than 1,500 offices in 50 countries, with 39 percent of its employees working in the Americas, 38 percent in Switzerland, 16 percent in Europe and 7 percent in the Asia Pacific time zone.
Miami / Florida / United States
UBS is a global financial services company that provides investment banking and wealth management services. Additionally, UBS is one of the leading providers of retail banking and commercial banking services in Switzerland. It provides a wide range of wealth management services, such as asset management, estate planning, corporate finance and art banking services to corporate and public pension plans, financial institutions, advisors, central banks, charities, foundations and individual investors. Its investment banking and securities business provides products, research, advice and access to the worlds capital markets for intermediaries, governments, and corporate and institutional clients. Additionally, the company provides underwriting, advisory, brokerage and market making services. It has more than 75,000 employees worldwide. Headquartered in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland, UBS also maintains an office in Miami.