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Schaumburg / Illinois / United States
We all are caring for someone, but we don’t have to do it alone or with unrealistic expectations. Step away from Pinterest and medical websites that leave you feeling depressed, overwhelmed and less-than-worthy. Grab a cup of coffee and join me instead. We’ll talk about the hard stuff, but you’ll leave feeling inspired. I’m so glad you’re here.
Schaumburg / Illinois / United States
Cast Metals Institute provides intensive, specialized education for metalcasters by metalcasters.Since its beginning in 1957, CMI has presented over 3, 000 courses to 65, 000 participants representing nearly 5, 000 individual companies--dramatic evidence of the acceptance of CMI as a vital contributor in the continuing development of foundry personnel.CMI exists to meet the needs of the metalcasting industry for continuing, scientific and technical education. As the educational arm of the American Foundry Society, Cast Metals Institute was founded on the belief that metalcasting personnel can achieve maximum effectiveness now and in the future only by participating in a continuing education program. CMI is that program!