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Cranford / New Jersey / United States

The Cranford Public Library offers more than 150,000 items for use by the public. Items include books for adults, children and teens, an extensive large print collection, books-on-tape, books-on-CD, digital audiobooks, downloadable audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, DVDs, CDs, museum passes, e-book readers, online reference databases, book club kits, and more.

Internet access, including Wi-Fi access, are available. Services provided by the library include interlibrary loan, fax, notary public, photocopiers, postage stamps for sale at cost, and delivery to the homebound. Also available are two word processing computers, a typewriter, and a video magnifier for the visually impaired.

The library belongs to MURAL, a cooperative system that permits Cranford Public Library card holders to borrow directly from 41 public libraries in Union and Middlesex counties. Anyone who lives, works full-time, or attends school full-time in Cranford, is eligible for a Cranford Public Library card. Come and take advantage of  your resources!