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Greenwich / Connecticut / United States
Greenwich / Connecticut / United States
Greenwich / Connecticut / United States

Grace Church of Greenwich met for the first time in 1994 at Greenwich's Hyatt Regency and has since grown to serve parishioners from all over Connecticut. It is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Sunday services are held at the Woman's Club of Greenwich at 9am and 10:45am.

Adult Sunday School and middle and high school groups meet from 10am to 10:45am on Sundays. Children meet at about 11am during the second half of the 10:45am mass. Real Food, the church's own young professionals group, meets on Wednesday evenings for conversation and a meal.

Greenwich / Connecticut / United States
Greenwich / Connecticut / United States

The traditional service at First Presbyterian Church begins at 10am each Sunday, during which time children through the 7th grade are invited to attend education programs. The semi-professional Chancel Choir leads the service.

An additional Sunday evening service is held in the Anderson Chapel at 5pm and during the summer months, an 8:30am service is held in the Seaside Garden at Greenwich Point, weather permitting. Childcare is available during all services.

In addition to Sunday School, children can participate in the church choirs. There's a special youth group for middle school children as well as a Confirmation class. Faith Inspired Senior High (FISH) provides highschoolers with an array of faith-formation and social activities.

The Fellowship Committee coordinates a number of activities and family events throughout the year, including the annual summer picnic and Homecoming Sunday.

The First Presbyterian Church Nursery School also operates at the church.