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Madison / Wisconsin / United States
Tenant Resource Center counsels tenants, landlords, and service providers throughout Wisconsin on their rental rights and responsibilities. We answer questions about eviction, repairs and maintenance, security deposits, leases and rental agreements, and more. We also have sample letters, action plans, and agency referrals to help people resolve their rental housing issues. At our housing help desk, people in Dane County can find and apply for market rate and subsidized housing, temporary and emergency shelter, and financial assistance for rent and security deposits. Our housing mediation service helps Dane County residents resolve their housing issues by mutual agreement, primarily at Dane County eviction court. We publish extensive resources on tenant landlord laws, all of which are available on our website and in our offices. We also do free community presentations for tenants throughout Dane County, upon request. Landlords and service providers can gain in-depth education on tenant landlord law through our annual spring and fall housing law seminars. Contact us today for more information!
Madison / Wisconsin / United States
Milwaukee / Wisconsin / United States
Racine / Wisconsin / United States