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Livingston / New Jersey / United States

Dr. Christopher W. Sciales is a dermatologist practicing at Livingston Dermatology, a practice with offices in Warren and on South Livingston Avenue in Livingston. The practice's doctors are available to perform a number of medical and cosmetic services including acne treatment, skin cancer screenings, Mohs surgery, laser treatment and skin peels. Visit the Livingston Dermatology Web site for a complete list of services.

Livingston / New Jersey / United States
Livingston / New Jersey / United States

Dr. Alan J. Liftin is a dermatologist practicing on Old Short Hills Road in Livingston. Dr. Liftin is available to perform a number of medical and cosmetic services including skin cancer screenings, growth removal, acne and rosacea treatment, Botox injections, skin peels and laser therapy. Call Dr. Liftin's office at the given number to schedule an appointment.

Livingston / New Jersey / United States
Livingston / New Jersey / United States

Dr. Nicole Rocca is a dermatologist practicing with Livingston Dermatology, a practice with offices in Warren and on South Livingston Avenue. The practice's doctors are available to perform a number of medical and cosmetic services including acne treatment, skin cancer screenings, Mohs surgery, laser treatment and skin peels. Visit the Livingston Dermatology Web site for a complete list of services.

Livingston / New Jersey / United States

Dermatology & Laser Center of Northern New Jersey is a Livingston-based practice founded by Dr. Lewis P. Stolman. Dr. Stolman offers a variety of cosmetic procedures including laser hair removal, rosacea treatment, laser acne treatment and skin peels. Visit the practice's Web site for a complete list of services.

Livingston / New Jersey / United States

Livingston Dermatology is a medical practice with offices in Warren and on South Livingston Avenue in Livingston. The practice's doctors are available to perform a number of medical and cosmetic services including acne treatment, skin cancer screenings, Mohs surgery, laser treatment and skin peels. Visit the practice’s Web site for a complete list of services.