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San Diego / California / United States
San Diego / California / United States
San Diego / California / United States
San Diego / California / United States

The Rancho Bernardo branch of the City of San Diego library system has several options for residents to get their fill of information. From the Friends of the Library bookstore, which provides additional financial support for library, to the DVDs and books that can be checkedcout, there are many ways for residents to find something of interest. The library also offers e-readers, personal help with book selections and children's programs throughout the week.

San Diego / California / United States
San Diego / California / United States
Center for Community Solutions, founded in 1969, aims to create violence-free communities, and foster a safe and healthy environment for all individuals and families through education, therapeutic services, advocacy and cultural and community services. The organization assists more than 12,000 men, women and children affected by relationship violence and sexual assault. Its services are divided among five program areas, including a rape crisis center that provides services for survivors of sexual assault along with a 24-hour bilingual crisis help line. It also offers hospital and court accompaniment services for rape survivors, and a clinical department specializing in counseling and therapy services that address the emotional aspects of relationship violence and sexual assault for victims and their families. Its legal clinic assists individuals with filing temporary restraining orders and other family law matters, and its residential services department offers a 24-hour emergency shelter and transitional housing program for victims of domestic violence and their children. Center for Community Solutions is located in San Diego.
San Diego / California / United States
Angels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization licensed by the State of California as a treatment level Foster Family Agency (FFA). We focuse on the stable placement of children ages 0-5 with nurturing foster families who promote healing and attachment that leads to healthy growth and development.
San Diego / California / United States