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Tampa / Florida / United States

Chiropractic care is a drug-free, non-invasive, non-surgical approach to restoring your health and well-being.  Dr. Bruce D. Horchak and his team of chiropractic assistants and massage therapists implement only 100% natural holistic methods based on years of training and experience. 

In addition to spinal adjustments, physical therapy, massage therapy and rehabilitative stretches and exercises, Northdale's proven techniques include: Chiropractic Adjustment, Diversified Technique, Cox Decompression Technique, Activator Methods Technique, Trigger Point Therapy.  Descriptions and explanations of each are outlined on their website. 

What to expect during your first visit?  Along with the requisite paperwork (on your health history and insurance forms), Dr. Horchak will perform a thorough examination to determine the root of your pain/discomfort, including a chiropractic examination, orthopedic and neurological tests, and a musculoskeletal examination. 

Depending on your situation, X-rays may be necessary and spinal adjustments and physical therapy may be administered before you leave.  The doctor will also provide you with a comprehensive list of instructions which may include simple exercises and recommendations on what not to do.  A follow-up appointment will be scheduled before leaving the office.