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Clayton / North Carolina / United States
Need help filing taxes, including your federal tax return and state tax return? Your local Clayton H&R Block office is here year-round to provide the tax know-how you need. Looking to find every last available tax deduction to minimize your taxes and maximize your return? Were experts at it. Schedule an appointment today!
Clayton / North Carolina / United States
Thanks for choosing Ginger T Levinson CPA, PA. I am a certified public accountant who offers individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies accounting, and tax-related services. I truly care about our clients, and I work diligently to ensure that my calculations and services are always absolutely correct and beneficial. We're here for you. Whether you are just starting out in business or have an establishment of your own, our team of seasoned professionals are here to help you through the entire business cycle, from advice and bookkeeping, all the way through your business tax returns and reporting. If you have a problem with the IRS or other taxing authority, we will represent you using our team of CPA's and enrolled agents. You have options available including: offer in compromise, penalty removal, installment agreements and currently non-collectible status. Let us work for you today! Our full service firm offers: • Tax planning, preparation and IRS representation • Software training • Personal financial and estate planning • Accounting database programming • Corporate and personalized budgets • Business success planning, valuations and so much more! We're a certified IRS e-file provider which provides quick and correct service and filing. Call today to secure your financial life and start building up for the future.